With over 50 years experience, let BA Printing & Publishing Services help you Self Publish your very own paperback book.

All of our soft cover books are perfect bound, giving your book a true, flat surfaced spine where your book's title can be placed. The pages are cut evenly and professionally bound into the spine.

We are specialists at printing soft cover books, with any combination of black & white and full colour. With a variety of options available of sizes, paper stocks, finishing options.

It's tough to avoid judging a book by its cover, and most consumers, whether they are conscious of it or not, are strongly influenced by a book's appearance – it truly can make or break a sale. Let our creative graphic design team give your book the marketing advantage it deserves.

We know how passionate you are about your book, we share the same passion about printing your book.

Give BA Printing & Publishing Services a call to arrange a commitment free appointment.

  • Golden Oldies

    Offset printed throughout.
    Burst-bound with Gloss Celloglaze cover
  • Ukrainians at the Sydney Olympics

    Gloss Celloglazed Cover printed Offset.
    Text printed Digital Colour throughout on 100gsm
  • I Hate My Inlaws!

    Our most cost effective perfect-bound option:
    Digital printed cover on 300gsm board.
    Text printed B&W throughout on 80gsm.
  • Between the Sets

    Offset printed cover on 1 sided coated board with matt celloglaze
    Text printed digital colour on 80gsm.

Now that your books are complete, the real challenges of publishing must be met head on.

BA Printing & Publishing Services works closely with authors and publishers to implement highly effective pre- and post-publication marketing and distribution service plans; an integral part of any publishing project.

BA can register your ISBN Number & Barcode for you also. We can also assist with proof-reading and editing, cover design and layout.

The perception that Self-publishing is only for Authors who cannot strike a publishing deal is not necessarily the case. Authors now realise that Self Publishing gives them full control over their master piece.

Why rely on a publishing company to promote your book for minimal return when you can get involved and take advantage. No one is going to have a better understanding and be more passionate about your book than yourself, let BA give you the direction and confidence you need to get your book out there.